يستخدم لازالة الاتربة الموجوده على ريش الكباس والتى تسبب فى تقليل
كفاءة الوحدة الغازيه
يتكون نظام غسيل الكباس من الاتى:
1- تنك مياه بسعة 750 لتر يتم ملئ التانك بخليط من الماء ومادة منظفه
2- يتم ضخ الخليط
باستخدام طلمبة متعددة المراحل بمحرك تيار متردد, فى مدخل الهواء يوجد نوعين من nozzles لعمل
inject for water لتنظيف الكباس :
2 jet
nozzles(for off line), 20 spray nozzles (for off line and on line)
note that:
- It is recommended to perform
off line washing once a week.
- the off line should be performed at least once every month,If we can not do it due to load of gas turbine
- the off line should be performed at least once every month,If we can not do it due to load of gas turbine
- If frequent on line washing shall
be carried out,can be
(1 / 2 per week) according to the environmental conditions.
(1 / 2 per week) according to the environmental conditions.
Compressor Cleaning at Operating Speed (ON LINE WASHING)
- If the gas turbine cannot be shut down for compressor washing,The compressor cleaning can be performed at rated speed and on-load.
- Compressor washing is suggested at base load
with fully opened IGV.
- Peak load is not admissible .
Warning: Never use jet
nozzles but only the spray nozzles.
Do not open drain valves.
Do not open drain valves.
Note: Compressor washing
at nominal speed is less
effective than the washing procedure at
washing speed.
It could be necessary to repeat the procedure
several times.
effective than the washing procedure at
washing speed.
It could be necessary to repeat the procedure
several times.
- On Line cleaning (GT
on load)
fully open
Spray nozzles
Less deep cleaning (repeat the operation few times)
Compressor Washing at Washing Speed (OFF LINE WASHING)
- Off Line Washing is
performed in four steps: max 700 dm3
(dm3 = L ) during washing (water + detergent) max 700 dm3 during each rinsing
(water only) (to be considered the number of rinsing,
(water only) (to be considered the number of rinsing,
for instance 1400 dm3
in case of 2 rinsing cycles).
The tank capacity is approximately 750 liters
The tank capacity is approximately 750 liters
Off line cleaning( GT on Turning Gear):
Jet nozzles
Spray nozzles
Deep Cleaning (Always after a
GT extended outage)
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